
SantaCon.info - The most complete source of info about SantaCon

Contact Santa

Why, when and how to contact Santa

If you are organizing a Santacon, and/or have info that Santa needs, please scroll down and send Santa an e-mail right now.

If you have questions, please check first to see if the answer is already on the site...

  • Answers to the most frequently asked questions are on the About page.
  • Everything Santa currently knows about a specific location will be on that location’s page (see Locations).

Post a comment

This page is for GENERAL questions about SantaCon.

If you have any questions or news about a specific location please post on that location’s page (see Locations).

Websanta will move any comments posted here that relate to a specific location to the page for that location - please try to save Websanta from this unnecessary task.

You can also write to Santa

If you want to drop Santa a line by e-mail, Santa wants to hear from you, even if it’s just to say “Ho!”

If you have a question about a specific location:

  1. Please first check that location’s page (see Locations).
  2. Please make sure you say which location you’re referring to when you write to Santa.

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Comments prior to Jan 1st 2025 have been archived.